1/2" FPT SCH 80 Ball Valve Softwash Chemical Applicator Assembly
1/2" FPT SCH 80 ball valve soft wash chemical applicator assembly.
The fittings were installed using commercial grade, non-drying liquid Teflon, Rector seal T plus 2 pipe thread sealant with PTFE. The full port ball valve features Viton seals and will endure chemicals standard to the soft washing industry.
However, we always recommend rinsing your equipment with copious amounts of water after each use. Before you dig deeper into your own pockets to buy more chemical, remember the following saying: "The solution is dilution. Water is the universal solvent." Water, water and more water! We recommend adding a nozzle holder such as the #6540-8 or #6540-5 to assist you with keeping your nozzles within reach. We also recommend keeping a few extra stainless steel sockets in stock (#4629).
Did you know that you can extend the life of your couplers or sockets by pulling back the collar and coating the 'stainless steel balls' with anti-seize never-seize?
Condition: New
SKU: BV08RB.80