8 gpm 3500 psi K7.3 Skid Cold Pressure Washer Honda Muffler No Fuel Tank or Battery Included
Skid mounted cold 8 gpm 3500 psi pressure washer with K7.3 flow sensitive unloader mounted remotely on an unloader block with Honda OEM muffler.
Must inspect belts after 30 days.
***No warranty on belts***
Unloader settings, clogged nozzles and loose belts are some causes of belt failure.
8 gpm 3500 psi Honda GX690 with a Honda brand muffler 24 hp General Pump TSF2021 V-belt special powder coated steel frame, commercial top of the line, flow sensitive ZK7.3 flow sensitive unloader remotely mounted on an unloader block to reduce stress on the manifold, gun/wand assembly with brass quick connects, 50' grey high pressure hose with quick connects, 5 quick connect nozzles, 20% high draw chemical injector assembly with brass quick connects.
:32" long x 18" width x 19.75" high approximately. Base of skid is 10" x 27".
We strongly recommend that you install an elbow on the bypass outlet of this unloader for a brass street 90-(2102) or a for a 3/8" brass 90 barb-(2127).
Why choose this model?
If you are tired of the pressure trapped unloaders damaging everything under pressure when the trigger is released, this high flow 8 gpm pressure washer is your choice. Pressure trapped unloaders are notorious for leaving ping marks where the balls from the couplers meet on plug collars. The grooves result in damage to the O-Rings inside the couplers. High pressure hose and high pressure guns will last longer when using the flow sensitive K7.3 unloader. You will stop fighting the stiff high pressure hose when you switch to this unloader. Your body will stop taking the abuse. If you suffer from shoulder pain and tendonitis, this may be your ticket!
This powerful, time saving skid unit will arrive with a 1" hose barb on the inlet of the pump. We strongly recommend that you purchase our PL-8-TA kit for a tote or a horizontal leg tank or a PL-8-TO for an IBC tote which has everything you need to correctly plumb this unit. We recommend switching out the factory installed 1" barb to our 1.5" hose barb, upsizing the non-collapsible suction hose to 1.5" ID, upsizing the filter to 80 mesh 1.5" Y-Strainer, installing a 1.5" bulkhead, brass hose barb and 1/2" bulkhead. Increase the jump hose to the reel to a 1/2" high pressure hose and use a 50' hose as the first length of hose on the reel. (Always strip all hose from the reel except the last single wrap to protect the crimp when in use).
Benefit of upsizing the hose ID
- will allow you to shoot farther, increase the cleaning units and efficiency of your pressure washer as well as move much faster when using your surface cleaner. The PL-8-TA or PL-8-TO kit has everything you need to plumb the pressure washer as well as connect to a reel including the 50' high pressure hose.
- will prevent back-pressure to your pump, help your valves and high pressure seals last longer, prevent your safety relief valve from spraying water, help your pump run at a cooler temperature, supply enough water to your pump using the 'Double your supply hose ID in relation to your inlet port' rule and keep your pump cooler leading to less down time.
Always use medium thread lock (5003) on your high pressure fittings instead of Teflon tape. Teflon tape will end up in the pump valves or clog nozzles.
Regarding K7 or flow actuated unloaders: The normal operating rpm on most Honda engines is between 2000-3900. If you run them lower than 2000 for extended periods of time, the combustion chamber will carbon up with unburned fuel and foul the spark plugs (Per Honda). The K7 needs full throttle.
If using a chemical injector
Install the injector only when in use and install it several feet downstream of the unloader to prevent back-siphoning into the unloader/pump manifold. Did you know you can use dual port chemical injector to apply chemical at an even stronger ratio? Try the GP100791. It has two barbs.
- You need to buy a battery and battery box and add a remote fuel tank. Add fuel and connect to a minimum of 200 gallon water tank or IBC tote.
- Add a high temperature Hudson float valve (Hudson-Ht) and Hudson float valve installation kit (Hudson-A) or (HB) to prevent over-filling your water tank. The Hudson float valve will automatically stop the flow into your tank when installed properly in the headspace of your water supply tank.
- Use a 9.0 turbo nozzle (4656) and 8.5 nozzles at the gun.
- The soft bypass hose included on the pressure washer is 3/8” ID.
- Try a Lori Lift Kit and make oil changes, maintenance and belt installation easier in the future!
Highly recommend
Adding the best high pressure 3/8" ball valve (6292.SM) to this order to allow you to turn off the flow of water to switch from the gun to a Whisper Wash Classic surface cleaner. You will need to ask for two nozzles 4.5 25 degrees for a two nozzle spray bar (Part 1122) or four nozzles 2.5 25 degrees for a four nozzles spray bar (Part 2812).
The 19" Whisper Wash Classic , the 24" Ground Force, 24" Lil Big Guy or the 28" Big Guy with the upgraded 3/8" high pressure hose is the perfect complement to this cold pressure washer. Keep in mind that the wider the surface cleaner, the slower you will move.
Do not adjust the unloader.
The unloader is set at a spike pressure of 200 psi above the operating pressure of the pump and meant to be left alone. If you need less pressure, change out the nozzles to a larger orifice and never smaller than what is called for using factory specifications using gpm and pressure. This unit requires a 8.5 orifice or larger nozzle. You can add a 6540-8 JROD kit & the Kyle Davis long range shooter nozzle (SN8I) to this pressure washer to experiment with pressure and distance.
Pair this unit with a 1/2" All-Flo 17 gpm air diaphragm soft wash system for the most efficient cleaning rig. The 1/2" All-Flo can be used to soft wash everything from the roof to a giant commercial building and the 8 gpm pressure washer can be used to rinse using either the new M5D5 adjustable nozzle or using a big 0050, 0060 or 2560 nozzle on a gun/wand assembly with low pressure.
Standard Feature
- Lifetime frame warranty
- Easy access single bolt interlocking belt cover
- Single bolt engine adjustable belt tension
- ZK7.3 flow sensitive unloader set at 3700 psi and meant to be left alone and never adjusted
- Engine and pump oil drains offer easy maintenance
- Dual padded shock absorbing feet
- 3VX425 belt system offers balanced power transfer
- Commercial/industrial grade engines
- Low speed pump and thermo-sensor (Prevents overheating in bypass mode)
- All units feature electric start and include marine battery box
Note: all units are completely factory assembled, tested in the USA, and delivered ready to operate.