Do you hate hose clamps, dislike leaks, and want to prevent air from getting into your pump? Do you need a custom length of low pressure hose cut and crimped to your specifications? We can supply you with just about anything you need for you custom rig. We can crimp on hose ends as small as 1/4" MPT or FPT to as large as 1" MPT or FPT in high quality brass.
This product is for a single crimped on hose end. Please send a note at checkout listing the hose end size that you require. For example, if you need a 1/2" thread for your 1/2" ball valve or suction hose port at the pump, write a note asking for 1/2" MPT. If you need a 3/4" hose end, ask for 3/4" MPT.
We also offer crimped on hose ends in sch 80 PVC and 316 stainless steel.
Directions for ordering:
Add hose by the foot to the shopping cart.
Add the appropriate number of crimps for your jump hose. For example, a 6' long 5/8" blue flex tech rt hose with two 1/2" MPT brass ends (to connect the softwash pump to the titan hose reel swivel) would be added in the parts below:
6 feet ftb10-1 custom length blue 5/8" flex tech rt softwash hose per foot
2 x CB crimped on hose end in high quality brass (each end)
*****Add a note at checkout indicating that ends should both be 1/2" MPT