Super Swivel Hose Reel Swivel 1/2" FPT x 1/2" FPT 90 Degree w/ Zerk Fitting
Super Swivel brand replacement hose reel swivel
90 degree 1/2" FPT x 1/2" FPT 5000 psi 400 deg F maximum with grease-able Zerk fitting to maintain swivel
We recommend this 1/2" Super Swivel for use with Hannay reels, Titan hose reels and all others with a 1/2" MPT to install this 1/2" FPT 90-degree replacement hose reel swivel.
Always install your chemical injector before your reel instead of at the pump. The injector will back-siphon chemical into your unloader corroding the components ending the life prematurely.
SKU: 5881